sreda, 28. julij 2010

So yea, I'm still alive

I know it's been a while since I've last posted here, but I've been idle for quite some time. I've finally managed to get everything in my personal life, outside the world of programming, to an order and now I can concentrate on my programming again.

Commando is coming along well, I'm actually making some real progress. First three scenes of bank level are done, so I'm working on finishing this 1st level - one more scene and boss fight. Actually that's two scenes. But ok.

I've updated screenshot gallery on the left and I'll be releasing next gameplay demo soon.

4 komentarji:

  1. Risen from the dead :D
    I really have to do this NOW!

  2. hoho, ti še živiš? kako kaj ti in tvoj development? ^^

  3. Tak kak sem napiso. Čista zapuščen :D Pa sem mejo take plane za počitnice. Upam da bode kaj zaj... pomalem

  4. hehe, ja jest sem našel motivacijo po dolgem času in zdaj upam, da bo počasi šlo skozi ^^
